FOOD 101


I am so pleased to be introducing my new service: Food 101: How to get it, cook it, eat it (and enjoy it.)

Are you so close to trying out a new way of eating for not only you but your entire family and just can't wrap your arms around it?  Have you already consulted with dietitians or doctors, tried reading all the books and articles--anything to make you feel better about your diet and health--and feel like you just can't get a hold on what you've been told?  Does it all seem just too time consuming and hard to do?  I can help you get to where you want to be.  It took me years to discover our family's best diet because I didn’t have anyone to talk to about it.  I had no roadmap to follow, so I had to create my own.

I’d like to help you skip all the “figuring it out” part and just get to it.  Developing good habits takes time and a fair amount of practice but it really helps when you have someone to not only tell you to give it a shot, but show you how you can make positive changes.  There are so many ways to approach a proper diet.  We’ll consider all the elements of your life before we set goals.  The key is to keep an open mind, be willing to experiment and be flexible, and to overall understand that you are making a sea change.

An initial consult with me will be done in your home.  In your kitchen.  We'll review what you're eating now, where you can make some initial changes, discuss diet goals in general and motivate you to start making some positive moves toward better health. You will receive a week's worth of recipes, meal planning and shopping lists to help you get started.

Continued consults can include shopping trips to the farmer's markets/super markets, food preparation/storage and general cooking "classes" in your home.  I'm happy to keep you updated on food news as I get it from varied sources and to help you decide what information is pertinent to your health goals.

Initial 90 min. consultation: $150
Continuing consults organized to fit individual needs. 
Contact me at to get started!

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